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Where can I get the BD reference number?

Posted by Jennyover 6 years ago
Where can I get the BD reference number?

Hi Hilti,

I am doing the BD submission of HY200, where can i get the reference number?


BD submission,HY200

1 Reply
Posted by Tania@Hiltiover 6 years ago

Hi T. Shek,

Thank you for your question.

HY200 with Y10 & Y12 rebar are ready on BD Data central Bank and the reference number is BD-AF 154.

For the latest "Central Data Bank" information, please refer to the "List of Building Materials" following the link below;

Furthermore, we can still support the submission process for some anchors which is not on the list. Please send a private message to us, indicating the anchor type/size, date& time of submission, project name, contact information and relevant drawings.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


BD submission,list of building material